Dear twiggy sweethearts,


This year would have marked our 50th anniversary, but instead, it will be our last.
twiggy has been an incredible creative journey ...
spotting new talents, re-thinking how a shop should look like, how can we make a difference? Always questioning the role we want to play within ourselves, the company and the world.


Working for twiggy was a life ‘s achievement. Managing a shop gave self confidence and reflection. We found connections with other disciplines as graphic design, architecture and textiles. So many warm hearted and open minded people have been crossing our path through our store. Twiggy was an amazing partner for 30 years but today I am ready for something else, a new unknown chapter.
Thank you for all of you who made it alive! For nourishing our place and help it grow. I hope we had an impact on the way you walk and move, on the way you feel free and strenghtened by your garments as your first protection to the outer world. Thank you for your trust to build this mirrorpalace full of beauty.

we loved seeing you come every day.

we will definitely miss you

